Kelvin is fluent at demonstrating the critical power of human capital to unlock long-term value creation at the highest levels of client organizations. His awareness of the challenges facing today’s leaders and insight into successful solutions are built on a track record encompassing the world’s leading technology and financial players.
Kelvin has impeccable connections and a willingness to challenge conventional thinking. His clients benefit from access to a discreet network of knowledge that reaches worldwide. Kelvin’s experience puts him at the heart of the MontaRosa offer, blending search expertise and deep experience working with boards, investors, and entrepreneurs.
For over 35 years, Kelvin has worked in the US, Europe, Africa, and Asia, serving clients, as well as participating on boards and in advisory roles for firms. He is a regular speaker and panelist at international conferences and seminars, where he is regarded as an innovator in the field of human capital.