Deborah is renowned for her work with leaders across multiple geographies, business sectors, and corporate structures. Through practical advisory and exceptional business coaching, Deborah helps leaders unlock exponential results.
The expertise that Deborah has brought to the MontaRosa platform has catalyzed strategic growth, and she has developed a value-creation capability that is distinctive in the market. This game-changing proposition makes leaders better at leading and builds boards, executive teams, and governance systems that deliver on the founding vision behind your venture.
Deborah’s background covers three decades in companies, from start-ups to blue chips, innovating across business models and investment strategies through client experience and with products and processes. As an accredited coach with the Tavistock Institute and with a Master's in Psychoanalysis, Deborah applies the expertise of organizational psychology and behavioral science, along with hard-won business know-how, in a way that makes clients seek out her advice.